because you love them
A child’s sleep needs frequently change over their first eighteen months of life. Because you love them can guide your family through the work that can be done to stay ahead of these changes, and help you and your child reach the long term benefits that healthy and age-appropriate sleep patterns yield. For instance, studies show that chronic sleep deprivation can impact a child’s emotional and intellectual development. I can help you avoid the negative impacts of poor sleep habits, while giving you the peace of mind of predictable, healthy sleep for your child. Win-win!
Our Story
As a mother of three young children, I am wholly committed to the approach of gentle, connection-based parenting, and I know that quality sleep habits are a foundational component not only of this parenting style, but to happy, well-adjusted children in general. My children remain terrific sleepers, but they weren’t “born with it” – I worked with an infant sleep specialist starting before my first was born; I credit this experience with not only laying the foundation for great sleepers in my family, but for inspiring me to want to help others in the same way!
I’ve achieved certification in the real, practical, and science-based research and techniques that can help you and your baby develop quality sleep habits. With my guidance and support, I can help you get out of “reaction mode”, and into the problem-solving techniques of prevention and maintenance. Coming from an information technology background, I’ve developed analytical and problem-solving skills that are quite transferrable to observing and correcting sleep behaviors!
Get in Touch
because you love them is committed to exceeding your needs. Questions, comments or special requests? We’d love to hear from you, so don’t hesitate to reach out today.